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Thread: LulzSec. The C$%Ts that hacked (Off Topic Discussion) Posted on 14 Jun : 22:42
Lulz Security, the hacking group apparently motivated by nothing more than their desire to laugh at the mayhem they cause, has had a busy day in an event they called Titanic Takeover Tuesday. Taking a break from their dumps of user data and server break-ins, today saw the group perform a bunch of distributed denial of service attacks against a range of targets.

First up—and still only intermittently available at the time of writing—was gaming magazine The Escapist, with no apparent reason for the attack. LulzSec boasted that taking down the site required just 0.4 percent of its DDoS capacity.

Next in line were the login servers for the game EVE Online. The effect of this attack was to bring down the EVE Online website at the same time, though LulzSec insists that this was not the actual target. In response to the DDoS, CCP Games, makers of EVE, have taken all their systems offline, for fear that they might be hacked. The company has also issued a statement to assure customers that their personal information remains secure.

The third target—and the only one for which the group has offered a rationale beyond "lulz"—is an IT security company named Finfisher. Their site was taken down, briefly, because "apparently they sell monitoring software to the government or some Griefers like that."

Gamers were once more in the crosshairs with the fourth target; more login servers, this time for Minecraft. Just as with EVE Online, going after the login servers also took out the game's website.

The pattern was repeated for the fifth target; login servers for the game League of Legends were knocked offline, a move which also brought down the game's website.

The result of all this? Lot of enraged gamers complaining about the downtime, and hence, many lulz for Lulz Security. Going after gaming targets hasn't made the group universally popular; posters on 4chan's /b/ forum, who might normally be sympathetic to lulz-motivated shenanigans, attempted to hunt LulzSec down. LulzSec dismissed the "/b/tards" as "damn furries," saying that they were the cream of the /b/ crop from 2005, distancing themselves from the /b/tards of today.

Article from

Basically a bunch of ass holes that don't deserve the carbon they're made up of and wasting valuable oxygen.
Re: CFUK Web Comic (Server Discussion) Posted on 19 May : 22:02

I had this idea last night, but wasn't sure whether to bring it up. This morning, however, on the back of next to no sleep, I thought, "Sod it."

So, you all know what comics are, and you all have probably seen a webcomic before, I was thinking of making a CFUK webcomic.

Why am I telling you instead of just doing it?

Welll, I'm no artist. I can't draw particularly well, but I can work a little magic in photoshop, and make pretty much anything look like it was drawn in a comic book style.

So, what I need from you guys is cooperation. Basically, I'll think up a story, and I need players to help out by posing for various screenshots so that I can use them to comicify and put together the webcomic.

What would help a little bit here, is if all the people who are willing to join in (ie: pose for comic shots) post on here, so I know I can bug you at some time or other.

I'm taking Jighello as a given; he'll pose for anything.

If I can get enough people online this weekend, I'll try put one together before the end of it (the weekend, that is).

Also, let me know if you'd be interested in this.


ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
Re: Hitler finds Crazy Fools (Off Topic Discussion) Posted on 15 May : 03:09
Roflysst, love it!
Re: Ŧetra City (Server Discussion) Posted on 08 May : 16:29
Tetra Arch Progress
Re: Ŧetra City (Server Discussion) Posted on 08 May : 13:07
Current progress cheesey





Re: [poll] ROM vs. ASA (Server Discussion) Posted on 04 May : 13:36

War is
Officially declared on ASA.
PvP against ASA is allowed ANYWHERE.


I don't think so, read the rules, I don't want to see random killing in spawn and getting other people involved. And please add an "I don't care" option to the Poll.
Re: Ŧetra City (Server Discussion) Posted on 03 May : 14:00

how did you get that map up?

Note:Using this mod for anything else other than it's intended purpose (an orthographic view of the top most visible layer) can get you banned. Although this map has no hidden functions that could provide an advantage other than the map itself. Just a warning.

I will be updating the main thread regularly with more pictures and info! cheesey
Re: Ŧetra City (Server Discussion) Posted on 03 May : 04:52

wow that's an insane build cheesey

count me in if you need supplies or a hand clearing and building. heck i'll even design a building for you if you like smile


Of course, I will be inviting people to the city to build in a plot of their choosing once it's finished cheesey.
Thread: Ŧetra City (Server Discussion) Posted on 03 May : 00:42

I, with the help of others, are laying the foundations for what I believe is the biggest city so far on the server. This City is called Ŧetra.

Here is a map of our progress so far. Once the main digging and levelling is completed I will post more details on the infrastructure and rules of the city.

For now this is mostly a placeholder thread.


Thread: Imo the best texture pack ever. (Minecraft General) Posted on 02 May : 15:49

Faithful 32x32 texture pack, the default texture pack but how it SHOULD have been!

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