I am proud to announce the rebirth of Nuttersville
Why the name?
It was what squippit called it I beleive and its just kinda stuck with me.
Owner: Nutter795 ofc
Co-owner: Stevetaz121 (he built a badass house in the last map and he was first to migrate to nuttersville)
Residents: Nice_ish_creeper, Paldankt, Littletiger99, Loaded42 and Sam7951.
Excluded: No1
1. No ugly shiz.
2. Me and steve can exclude you at our pleasure so don't piss us of ;D
3. Any excluded may use the roads and travel through Nuttersville and I will exclude anyone who takes potshots at you as you use the railway.
4. You may claim a Market stall/Room inside the castle but only one.
5. All plots 20x15 or below are free 1d for every block bigger in each direction.
6. You must be noob freindly and you must help fellow villagers.
7. Use the public farms at your pleasure provided you replant.
8. Enjoy yourself!
Wow I really have 8 rules? Suprising!
If the picture uploads correctly there will also be a map ^_^
BTW xclear did make the map he's nice_ish_creeper in game under 'nother account.