I found out why Slavs are joining CFUK

BloxyBruh, Sun May 03 2020, 09:50PM

Go to 2:44

Re: I found out why Slavs are joining CFUK
BRooNiE, Tue May 05 2020, 07:37PM

Nice find, I was wondering where our new visitors were coming from
Re: I found out why Slavs are joining CFUK
, Wed May 06 2020, 03:48PM

From what I can tell from this video (I don't know Russian); they pretty much ripped the list from Oldest.org (How a lot of us found CFUK). If someone like FitMC decides to do a video on the 5 oldest servers we are likely to get an insane influx of players. This seems unlikely, but I feel like we should acknowledge this slim chance. The 5 oldest servers in MC history seems like something that can get milked for content in yt. This may cause problems with lag due to a large player influx. Although most of these influxes are very short. (I have seen this happen to number 2 on the list when I was a regular)