[Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)

Flightster, Mon Aug 25 2014, 12:02AM

Hello all,

With 1.8 on the horizon (sheduled for release on September 2nd, 2014), the staff has been discussing some possibilities moving forward and have come up with 2 possible options which we would like to put up for a vote from you, the community.

The options are as follows:

This poll will be up until September 1st, 2014 and the majority vote will be the deciding factor as to what route will be taken. Thank you for voting smile
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Soul_UK, Mon Aug 25 2014, 01:20AM

I'm voting for moving spawn (mainly as I don't want to have to build my prison arena AGAIN!) ... but I understand that a new map will be required soon after the 1.8 update (as usually a new update is released - which has loads of bugs - which then get fixed in a few further updates that follow shortly afterwards - which require a map update). dodge

If there was a 3rd option for "Not worried either way" then I would have picked that wink
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Flightster, Mon Aug 25 2014, 01:53AM

Aye, wanted to add that option but figured it wouldn't give a very clear result if most people would go for "don't give a damn" but I see your point tongue

If anyone else isn't really fussed, feel free to post a comment in the thread but please do try to cast a vote in terms of what you would prefer smile
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Mortocus, Mon Aug 25 2014, 06:48AM

Voted new map, reason is that i think that todays map is big and maybe it will become too big if we get a new spawn with its own new chunks. That said i hope that as mentioned above we can have portals between the worlds for a time.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
SpinDreams, Mon Aug 25 2014, 10:11AM

I would vote for new map with portals like we had before, this was great as we could still go back to our old builds. One thing I would suggest is that we don't do large biomes this time, I believe it made this map pretty boring and meant we missed a number of biomes, Jungle, ice spikes, mushroom island, Mega Taiga etc and made large swathes of unpopular land like forest which is really difficult to explore and no one really wants to build in them.

When we started this map one of the things we were going to do was start with a small world border that expanded every month, IMO the world border started much to big and only once got increased in size since it was started and due to the large biomes even that increase didn't help to give us more biome variety (I've explored to 10k on most directions now and no new biomes), Large biomes was a good experiment but IMO didn't work so well at least for me.

I would also suggest a much smaller world border than we had for the current map, maybe make use of the new world border mechanic and have it auto grow (no one needs to remember to increase it) and I think starting at say 1000x1000 and grow 15 blocks a day (real day) and in a just over a month the border would be 2000x2000 and each month we get another 1000 added (500 in each direction)

(command below does the job of adding 15 blocks a day)

/worldborder add 15 86400

Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
the_poots, Tue Aug 26 2014, 12:28PM

I voted yes for a new map, for the same reasons as Mortocus.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
piggles, Tue Aug 26 2014, 01:48PM

i say move spawn for now, allow for any problems that 1.8 brings to get ironed out then when the dust has settled (enough of it anyway) then try a new map, maybe people can use that time to prepare to move their stuff over to the new map.

I also suggest moving spawn towards the end of either rail system (east or west) although i think potentially the land to the east is better...
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
, Tue Aug 26 2014, 07:37PM

I'd be really sad if this current map went away. I'm nervous to vote on the poll because there's a lot of "if"s...

If we can have a portal back to this map in a new 1.8 one - this is very agreeable to me.

If having a new map means no access to this one, then I'd like to keep this one.

If keeping this one means the size of the map becomes unwieldy - I suggest setting a world border (bukkit or 1.8) at three of the current edges and allowing exploration in one compass direction to get new 1.8 chunks. .,. then we could move spawn closer to the edge that has room for expansion?
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
AlexKockica, Thu Aug 28 2014, 03:26PM

economy is a bit broken on current map.. some players, including myself at least a little bit smile, have mercilessly raped those poor villagers for tools, armor, glowstone etc thus lowering the true value of many things..
I know there will always be similar ways to devalue items, ores etc, but we committed so many mass murders and genocide that only bringing completely new race (the reworked and updated new villagers in 1.8) and shoving the last survivor from this map into lava (by which I mean a new map), would fix this.. we have to erase any trace and evidence of what we have done to those poor ppl..
warning: there are absolutely no connections to real life or historical events hidden in previous statements....
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Timeno123, Thu Aug 28 2014, 08:46PM

If there is a new map I hope there's less Mesa and maybe ice spikes or at least one jungle cheesey
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
SpinDreams, Thu Aug 28 2014, 10:48PM

Timeno, I found Ice spikes on the current map in case you are interested. smile I agree though, no more large biomes please.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
draze, Fri Aug 29 2014, 01:25AM

As per the large biomes issue i cant go into much detail from the discussions we had tonight so as not to get anyones hopes up but that "shouldn't" be an issue in the next map if that route is decided on.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
SpinDreams, Fri Aug 29 2014, 06:59AM

Just to add something (Not that anything I say is ever listened too) last time it was decided to do large biomes the reason being if I remember was it'll make the game more realistic, well I argued against it last time as well and Minecraft is not meant to be necessarily realistic, its a game and I want to be able to access "everything" that game has to offer which certainly has not been the case with this map and plus world borders and large biomes just don't work together.

Can I also suggest people look at the previous threads about the last reset, it does make interesting reading if nothing else.



Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
SpinDreams, Fri Aug 29 2014, 08:15AM

OH another request for UHC mode on. smile just think, potions, lots of death, beacons at spawn to regen players, much harder, more fun and oh so "realistic". smile I tell you something it would be different that's for sure and might even attract some more hardcore players up for the challenge.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Soul_UK, Fri Aug 29 2014, 02:10PM

A UHC world via a portal at spawn would be a good idea.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
BRooNiE, Fri Aug 29 2014, 05:43PM

I propose:

A new map will be generated in 1.7 (read on), with a very very small border, but a portal to the old world as I did guarantee that world would stay.

This map will be generated with no big biomes, no amplified, just a default world spawn with a very small border for now to get it started.

Chances are we'll be waiting weeks for the new bukkit to be released. So we can get something small going shortly, rather than play a waiting game.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
wjg999, Fri Aug 29 2014, 06:38PM

Will the old world portal require a player to have over a certain amount of points or can it be used freely?
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
BRooNiE, Fri Aug 29 2014, 07:00PM

Will the old world portal require a player to have over a certain amount of points or can it be used freely?

25, the same amount you begin with when you sign up to the server.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Soul_UK, Fri Aug 29 2014, 07:05PM

Sounds like a plan to me ... although it does mean me having to demolish and re-build my prison frown ... but oh well, never mind, I'll just have to build a better one smile
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
, Fri Aug 29 2014, 07:10PM

The old world would stay Soul, so you get to keep your prison smile

I'm happy with the approach of making a smaller map and waiting. Best of all the scenario's in my opinion.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Freddyfrog, Fri Aug 29 2014, 09:59PM

I say 16x16 for the new world , that will be an appropriate size wink jokes aside sounds like a good plan , I'm hoping the bukkit release with be relatively quick but who knows.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
the_poots, Sat Aug 30 2014, 11:32AM

So do you mean we will have a new 1.7 map but just a tiny one and then when the update is out, everything outside the border will be 1.8?
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Flightster, Sat Aug 30 2014, 12:12PM

So do you mean we will have a new 1.7 map but just a tiny one and then when the update is out, everything outside the border will be 1.8?


That's correct smile
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Flightster, Mon Sep 01 2014, 01:54PM

Poll has now been closed, to recap on what will happen:

We will have a new map for 1.8, which is currently available via a portal in spawn as a small 1.7 world (1,000 block border). Once a stable bukkit release is up for 1.8, this new world will be updated for 1.8 and the border will be increased to allow for 1.8 spawning.

The current world (which we all know) will remain available indefenitely and cross-world warps are enabled (+ the portal to and from it will remain aswel), meaning that you will get to keep everything you've built / gathered over it's life-time aswel as continue to live and build there (or in both worlds) if you wish.
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
, Tue Sep 02 2014, 10:48PM

Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
SpinDreams, Wed Sep 03 2014, 02:19PM

Where? Where?
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Shrapnel, Wed Sep 03 2014, 07:57PM

There, there!

The portal to the new land over there; onwards we go!
Re: [Poll Closed] To new map, or not to new map.. THAT is the question! (1.8 release)
Soul_UK, Wed Sep 03 2014, 09:46PM

The portal to the new world is the red and white tent jsut behind the spawn point info board wink