Minecraft 1.7 ID Names

, Sun Sep 15 2013, 02:50PM

I have managed to work out most of the ID Names but i am missing 4 of them. The ones for Furnace (Smelting), Snow (The snow layer one, not the block), Jack-O-Lantern and Cooked Fish.

Anyone have any idea what the missing 4's names are?

- ID Name List

EDIT: Adrenalynn found the 4 that were missing smile
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
adrenalynn, Sun Sep 15 2013, 04:33PM

the list you linked is the official one i guess? (as of current snapshot) I'd say they simply have no named id yet. Maybe will be added later.
The furnance might get no name at all because smelting is just a state not a different item.
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
, Sun Sep 15 2013, 06:59PM

The list i linked to is the one i made. Its missing 4 of the names. I made it by guessing what the ID Names could be (And used the texture names and old names of items for ideas to guess).... It took 2 and a bit days of randomly trying names.

Mojang never releases any official lists of anything. Even the ID List's that you see on websites were made by the community(Though most are copy and pasted from 3 websites).

Everything should have a name, based on the actual names they look like the first names that were ever chosen rather than the current ones(i.e waterlily for Lily Pad), which would mean that the names have been in Minecraft's source code for a very long time.

Btw the furnace has always been 2 separate blocks, one that has ID 61 and one that has ID 62 (62 being the smelting one).
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
Khoejgaard, Tue Sep 17 2013, 03:05PM

just wondering... is the golden hoe supposed to be called "golen_hoe"
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
, Tue Sep 17 2013, 04:49PM

just wondering... is the golden hoe supposed to be called "golen_hoe"


No... thanks for reporting the error.
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
adrenalynn, Mon Sep 23 2013, 06:19PM

Found lit_pumpkin, lit_furnace and snow_layer. No luck so far with the fish
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
, Tue Sep 24 2013, 06:16AM

Thanks, i have updated the list.
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
adrenalynn, Tue Sep 24 2013, 04:10PM

cooked_fished it is can you believe that? Sounds like a typo to me wink
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
, Tue Sep 24 2013, 07:27PM

Nice, how did you come up with that? List is updated.
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
adrenalynn, Wed Sep 25 2013, 03:30PM

After not finding it for a while i decided to just grep -i fish the binary files. Easy to spot there as it was the only name i did not yet try out.
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
, Wed Sep 25 2013, 05:06PM

Hmm, i assumed the obfuscation would have made strings un-readable.
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
SpinDreams, Thu Sep 26 2013, 05:05AM

Sorry can't help but I did wonder why you wanted the names, are you building some sort of mod?
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
, Thu Sep 26 2013, 06:54PM

Sorry can't help but I did wonder why you wanted the names, are you building some sort of mod?


I run a website about minecraft and 1.7 allows you to use ID Names instead of ID Numbers.

So you can only do the following in 1.6 and earlier
/give SpinDreams 6 64 1

but with 1.7 you can also do
/give SpinDreams sapling 64 1

Oh and Adrenalynn worked out the missing ones, so the list is complete.
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
, Tue Oct 01 2013, 11:08AM

Well, looks like it won't be optional. ID's will be dead when 1.7 is released according to Dinerbone. ID's are going to be completely Dynamic and could be anything based on what plugins/mods/etc you have installed. So ID Names will be the only way to spawn stuff (This is going to break server shop mods.... heavy_weighted_pressure_plate is too long for a single line on a sign).
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
Soul_UK, Wed Oct 02 2013, 12:46AM

I'm sure there will be a work-around ... i.e. a mod that allows you to go back to ID numbers, but say, putting a letter in front (like Broonie has with all the kits - I for Item, B for Block, etc.). The mod then interprets this for the MC code by converting it back to the new ID Naming system.

No doubt this is going to cause a lot of problems with mods that interact with other mods.

Personally I think they should have just kept the ID codes, added the names, and then make mods use their own ID system say with a 4 or 5 digit code in front of the ID number (registered with Mojang so that it will be unique to a mod).

A 4 digit code of upper case, lower case letters and numbers would give a possible combination of 14'776'336 combinations - a 5 digit code gives 916'132'832 combinations ... I think that's plenty of room for mods smile
Re: Minecraft 1.7 ID Names
, Wed Oct 02 2013, 04:46AM

Well from what iv read through tweets it looks like the way it will work will be that each map would have some file with a list of the ID Names with the dynamically added ID Numbers.

What i don't get is why the dynamic ID Numbers apply to Minecraft's own blocks/items. Breaking all the existing tools, old maps, command blocks, etc when they could easily just reserve the first 2267 ID's and make the dynamic stuff only apply to mods. I can understand why it would apply to mods, as Forge for example already gives out dynamic ID's if a mod asks for one thats already in use.