Failed To Connect

, Fri Dec 24 2010, 03:07AM

Ok, there is an error that keeps popping up for me.

"Failed To Connect To The Server"
"Connection Refused: connect"

Can anyone tell me why it is doing this?
(If I can get back in later, maybe tell what's causing this)

It has happened to me on a few other servers, but after the first one I can re-connect
Re: Failed To Connect
, Fri Dec 24 2010, 03:08AM

Most minecraft server's are currently down because hey0's mod has yet to update to Beta.
Re: Failed To Connect
, Fri Dec 24 2010, 03:09AM

So no one can connect right now?

(Thanks for quick reply)
Re: Failed To Connect
Flightster, Fri Dec 24 2010, 03:16AM

The server restarts itself every 6 hours to do a backup, this is what caused that error.

It has restarted now, btw.